New Technologies +POR VENIR
Educational Innovation Program
The El Porvenir school is firmly committed to implementing and developing its Educational Innovation Program +POR VENIR by investing in new technological tools with which to carry out teaching and administrative tasks.
General objectives of +POR VENIR
- Promote the use of new technologies in all school activities, integrating them as one more resource in the educational process.
- Encourage their active use by students as a means of support and reinforcement in their learning.
- Facilitate the search for information through the internet and the critical treatment of it.
- Use computer programs that offer visual and interactive content that generate motivating, entertaining, dynamic and attractive educational material.
- Help students to be protagonists in the use of devices, computer programs, the digital materials that they generate...etc., inspiring in them a greater interest and better assimilation of concepts.
- That +POR VENIR facilitates the learning of different subjects and their contents: Mathematics, Language, Sciences, English, German, etc., furthermore favoring the acquisition of skills and knowledge in these areas.
- Use new technologies as a means of research to expand knowledge and develop small projects at the individual and/or collective level.
- Use the computer, digital boards, tablets and iPads as a means of creation, integration, cooperation and expression of each student´s ideas.
What is +POR VENIR?
The educational innovation program +POR VENIR proposes to contribute, facilitate and bring forth a culture of innovation, quality and excellence to the entire educational community.
It is based on these four pillars:
- Innovation: To lead research and innovation in the field of learning.
- Development: To promote change, transformation and innovation, identifying new lines of progress for the use of new technologies.
- Training: Continuous professional development for the teaching team, fostering collaborative and participative work in order to increase and encourage the generation of knowledge.
- Evaluation: To promote progress and evolution based on a continuous evaluation of the improvement process.
- +POR VENIR exists for the purpose of the union of contents, emerging methodologies and technologies so that the student learns more and learns better.
We propose the development of new technologies in the service of our educational project.